A soft tissue massage includes a whole range of massage depths, pressures and durations. Our physiotherapists understand what techniques are right for your body. Your massage will aim to alleviate aches, pains and injuries that are attributed to your body’s soft tissues.
Exercise rehabilitation aims to bring back full function following injury through restoring muscle strength, endurance, power, and improving flexibility. Our physiotherapists achieve these results by carefully selecting and planning various exercises for each client.
Ultrasound therapy is designed to relieve pain and promote tissue healing. It breaks down scar tissue and increases local blood flow. All of this combines to increase healing rates in the area, making it a suitable way to speed up slow-healing or chronic issues.



Joint mobilisation is a physiotherapy technique used to relieve pain. Joint mobilisation involves performing a back and forth oscillation of the joint in order to restore optimal movement and improve joint flexibility.
Medical acupuncture or dry needling aims to treat muscular pain through inserting fine needles into soft tissue to increase blood flow to the area. It has been shown to improve range of movement at the joint and provide a pain relieving effect as well as being effective at treating a variety of conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain and knee pain among many others.
Kinesiology taping is a popular technique used with sport injuries, but can also be used for other conditions/injuries.
With use of kinesiology taping, we aim to normalise muscle function, reduce muscle fatigue, and reduce pain levels during exercise rehabilitation.



Percussion therapy is a type of massage therapy designed to soothe sore muscles after intense workouts. It involves using a massage gun to rapidly strike muscle tissue, increasing blood flow for faster recovery, pain relief, and improved range of motion.
Electrotherapy treats chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, muscle wasting and nerve pain by using targeted and controlled electrical stimulation. Electrotherapy is a gentle and non-invasive modality that works by stimulating nerves and muscles through the surface of the skin.
Spinal manipulation combines moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise, and physic therapy. It's designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. It's often used to treat back, neck, shoulder, and headache pain.

A strength and conditioning program is a series of exercises devised by our physiotherapists to correct individual muscle imbalance and dysfunction. Strength and conditioning allows the body to work to its maximum potential; improving running performance, reducing injury risk and speeding up recovery post injury.

Our rehab fitness Suite allows our excellent physiotherapists to provide on site post treatment work in the gym to support your recovery.